
Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") set forth the terms and conditions for the use of Fujiyama (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by Agoraxa Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). Users of the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Users") can use the Service by agreeing to these Terms.

Handling of Personal Information

In providing the Service, the Company shall handle personal information in accordance with the separately established Privacy Policy.

Usage Environment

An iOS or Android device is required to use the Service. However, the Service may not function properly depending on the User's usage environment. Please contact us through the app for any issues or malfunctions.


The copyright and intellectual property rights related to the Service belong to the Company. The copyright and intellectual property rights related to the information provided by the Company through the Service belong to third parties who have legitimate authority over such information.

Prohibited Actions

Users shall not engage in the following actions when using the Service:
  • Actions that infringe or may infringe upon the copyright, other intellectual property rights, or financial interests of the Company or third parties
  • Actions that violate or may violate laws or public order and morals
  • Actions that cause or may cause disadvantage to other Users or third parties
  • Actions that interfere or may interfere with the operation of the Service
  • Actions that damage or may damage the reputation of the Company or the Service
  • Reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembling the software information and copyrighted works included in the Service
  • Unauthorized access to the Company's network and Internet servers used to provide the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Target Equipment"), or unauthorized modification or deletion of stored information
  • Sending viruses or other harmful computer programs to the Target Equipment
  • Placing excessive load on the Target Equipment
  • Any other actions deemed inappropriate by the Company

Suspension of Service Use

The Company may immediately suspend the use of the Service and revoke the right of use for any User who falls under any of the following categories without any notice. If the right of use is revoked, the User shall promptly destroy all programs and data related to the Service:
  • When the User violates or is likely to violate any provision of these Terms
  • When the User violates laws or ordinances, including copyright law and patent law, regarding the handling of the Service or other matters

Changes to the Service

The Company may change, interrupt, suspend, or terminate all or part of the Service at any time for any reason without prior notice to Users.


Users shall use the Service at their own discretion and responsibility, accepting the following, and the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by Users:
  • The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Users due to the use or inability to use the Service for any reason.
  • The Company does not guarantee the operation of the Service or its compatibility with usage devices.
  • The Company does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, legality, usefulness of the Service, or the accuracy, validity, legality, usefulness, or any other matters of information obtained through the use of the Service.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by slow display or malfunctions of the Service due to excessive access or other unexpected causes.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by changes, interruptions, suspensions, or termination of the Service.

Liability for Damages

  • If the Company suffers damages due to a User's actions, or if the Company suffers damages due to claims from other Users or third parties as a result of a User's actions, the Company may claim damages from the User, and the User shall immediately pay the claimed amount to the Company.
  • If the Company suffers damages due to disputes between Users and other Users or third parties, the User must compensate the Company for the damages incurred.
  • If a User infringes upon the rights or interests of the Company while using the Service, the Company may claim damages from the User.

Governing Law

The formation, effectiveness, performance, and resolution of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan.


In the event of a dispute regarding these Terms, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance, depending on the nature of the dispute.
Changes to the Terms of Service
The Company may revise these Terms without prior approval from Users, and Users shall agree to such revisions. The revised Terms of Service shall take effect from the time they are posted on the Service.
Established on July 29, 2024